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How to Get to Know Southminster:
Formation and Fellowship

As a community, Southminster Presbyterian Church enjoys connecting with one another outside of worship. We have many opportunities for spiritual formation for all ages, mission, and fellowship. Whether over coffee during fellowship hour, a parking lot picnic, the chili cook off, Sunday school classes or working together, we seek to grow in our relationships with one another and with God. 

Faith Formation and Christian Education

We believe that faith exploration and spiritual formation is vital to all ages as we grow in our faith as disciples in Jesus Christ. In these opportunities, we prioritize curiosity and openness, meaning we welcome everyone from newcomers to experts. Most of our classes for adults, children, and youth take place on Sunday mornings. 

Youth looking up towards an incoming football out of frame.

Children & Youth Formation
Children and Youth Sunday school classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30am where kids and youth can learn about the Christian faith through art projects, Bible lessons, and mission projects. During the 11am service, we have an opportunity for children ages 3 - 8 to participate in an interactive message before heading out to Godly play for an age-appropriate Bible story. Nursery care is available for the youngest members of our community from 9:30am - 12:00pm. 

Youth Group (7 - 12th grade) meets Sunday evenings at 6:00pm for dinner, discussion, or a mission project. For more information about Youth Group, please contact Youth Director, David Shoemaker.

Adult Formation

Adults meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. In the eastern room of Fellowship Hall. 

Our Sunday school content ranges from guest speakers about local and global social justice issues to theological discussions. Every so often we join forces with the children and youth classes for a fun intergenerational event. Recent Sunday School topics include: A guest speaker from Churches for Middle Eastern Peace, a weekly devotional study for the season of Advent, an intergenerational event celebrating All Hallow's Eve.


From Holy Happy Hours to dinner and lunch groups to special events like our Christmas Party or summer celebrations, we look forward to gathering together as a church family! 

Two women smile over fall giveaways at Fall Festival.
A group of people sitting around a table smiling with drinks and food in front of them.

Holy Happy Hour 

Join Southminster the third Friday of every month for Holy Happy Hour! The Engagement Committee picks restaurants around the Kansas City area for a casual, relaxed fellowship event. Stop by for a drink, dinner, or just to say hello! Children are welcome, but we offer childcare for some Holy Happy Hours, if desired. 

Dine In / Dine Out

Each quarter people gather in small groups for a meal in someone’s home or at a local restaurant.  These groups change each quarter so different people host and there is an opportunity for fellowship with different church members.  During COVID these groups have begun meeting outside and people bring their own food.  Contact Susan Fiser from the Family Life Committee if you are interested in joining a group.

Southminster women enjoying fellowship in someone's home.

Southminster Presbyterian Women

Southminster Presbyterian Women (SPW) meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 am or 9:30 am to study and pray together.  SPW is committed to nurturing faith through study and prayer together, through supporting the mission of the church worldwide, through working for justice and peace, and through building and inclusive and caring community of women to witness to the promise of God’s kingdom. 

SPW meets for 2nd Saturday breakfasts and the Women of Cana meet quarterly as opportunities for all the women of the church to gather for fellowship.


Women sitting at breakfast table.