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Serve – The Heart of the Gospel​

Southminster Presbyterian Church has a heart for mission outreach, which brings about God’s beloved community of justice, equality, and peace. We partner with local ministries in the Kansas City area who address need in the areas of poverty and homelessness, children and youth at risk, and health and welfare. Southminster is also involved in mission around the world. We have long standing partners in Mexico through Living Waters for the World and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo working in education and medicine. There are many ways to serve, and Southminster seeks to help the community around us and the wider world.

Local Mission Outreach

Southminster supports eight local ministry partners in the metropolitan Kansas City area. Our areas of focus are: poverty and homelessness, children and youth at risk, and health and welfare. Our local mission partners are: 

Crosslines Inc.

Johnson County Emergency Assistance –
Catholic Charities

Hillcrest Ministries


Community LINC

Della Lamb Community Services


Hands-On Mission Volunteer Opportunities

Southminster provides a noon-time meal six times a year through the Crosslines Food Kitchen.

A group of Southminster folks regularly volunteer at Harvesters, a ministry supplying food to area food pantries.

On Mission Sunday, the 2nd Sunday in August, we pack sack lunches for Harvesters’ Give Lunch program, and also bag hygiene kits for Project Uplift.

Global Mission

Southminster is involved in Global Mission through the Presbyterian Church (USA) and through our congregation’s own initiatives.

Mexico Mission Partnership and Living Waters for the World

Southminster has partnered with Presbyterians in southern Mexico for the last 15+ years. Mission work trips have accomplished projects in the Yucatan Peninsula, Chiapas, and Tabasco. We also support missionary co-worker Don Wehmeyer in southern Mexico through an annual grant. For the last 10 years, our work in southern Mexico has been in partnership with Living Waters for the World (, installing small-scale water purification systems in communities in Chiapas and Tabasco.


Frontera de Cristo Presbyterian Border Ministry

Southminster has partnered with the Frontera de Cristo Presbyterian Border Ministry located in Douglas, Arizona, and Agua Prieta, Mexio. The purpose of the border ministry is to educate about the concerns, problems, and possibilities from a faith perspective and to promote understanding and cooperation between Presbyterians on both sides of the US-Mexico border.  

On the third Sunday of each month Southminster collects the Noisy Offering. The money from this offering, along with additional funds from the Deacons, goes to support mission co-workers through the PC(USA). Currently we are supporting Jose LaMont Jones who is working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Journey to Bethlehem

December 6, 2024 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
December 7, 2024 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

A Southminster tradition since 1985

Under the leadership of Rev. Jim Fry this tradition is one of the longest running at Southminster Presbyterian Church. On December 20-21, 1985, using a script written by three Southminster members, the first Journey took place. 

Over the past 38 years a few changes have been made, but most of the script remains the same. Children of the church have grown up to take on different roles and adults have portrayed the same characters year after year.  

Visitors are welcomed into the sanctuary where they hear stories and sing familiar carols as they wait for their turn to travel. Having declared how many sheep, goats and oxen they own, they set off with a guide through a transformed church.  Travelers encounter over 100 costumed people in seven scenes that retell the story of Jesus’s birth.