Working in three different areas, as a member congregation of the PC(USA) Matthew 25 initiative, Southminster Presbyterian Church seeks to build congregational vitality, eradicate systemic poverty, and to dismantle structural racism.
As a congregation, we are looking at the ways in which we are engaged in ministry around these three areas as well as looking at ways in which we can continue to work and grow in our discipleship and faithfulness in these areas as well.

Building Congregational Vitality
A community’s vitality is primarily its spiritual strength and its capacity for purposeful mission. Congregational vitality is evident in a worshiping community when its structural systems, finances and discipleship practices are aligned in such a way that the community is actively engaged in the mission of God in their local community and the world, and they are powerfully focused on growing as disciples in the way of Jesus Christ. Faith comes alive when we boldly engage God’s mission and share the hope we have in Christ.A

Dismantling Structural Racism
Confronting deeply ingrained racist systems and structures in our communities and country takes sensitivity and stamina. Before congregations and worshiping communities can confront the harsh realities of racism, it is helpful to have a good foundation.
Eradicating Systemic Poverty
There are structures in our society that all but guarantee that people living in poverty will stay that way. Systemic poverty refers to the economic exploitation of people who are poor through laws, policies, practices and systems that perpetuate their impoverished status. Poverty is complex and overlaps with many other social ills and oppressive structures in our society.