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What to Expect

Southminster is a mid-sized congregation of the PC(USA).  Children of all ages find Southminster to be a place to laugh, play, learn, and grow.  We have many longtime members, multiple generations of families, as well as new members in our community.We come together to care for one another, worship the Lord and serve God by showing love and concern to those in need. 

We gather on Sunday mornings at 8:30 in the Chapel and at 11:00 in the Sanctuary.  Both services are more traditional in nature, but there is often a variety of music on any given Sunday.  Folk guitar, djembe, jazz as well as traditional hymnody are a part of worship at Southminster.  You will find people dressed in a variety of ways.  Suits or jeans, where what makes you comfortable.  We are just glad you are here.  

In between worship services there is a time for faith formation for children and adults as well as a time for fellowship.  At 9:30, preschool through 5th grade begin upstairs with Pastor Karen to open the Sunday school time with singing, liturgy, and the theological word for the week.  Sixth – 12th grade meet in the youth room for conversation about topics of faith.  There are 2 adult Sunday school classes that meet weekly as well.  The Inquiring Spirits is a Bible study class led by Pastor Jeff and the Seekers class is a forum that looks at a variety of issues and is led by members of the Congregation, Pastor Karen and occasionally outside speakers.